For the hostess with the mostest. Dress up your favorite vino with this no-sew wine bottle bag upcycled from an old tote bag using the marbling method with shaving cream. We know it sounds weird, but the effects are truly marble-ous.
All-Purpose Liquid Dyes inWineandEggplant
Canvas Tote Bag
Shaving Cream
Pan Sheet
Small Squeeze Bottles or Dropper
Fabric Fusion Tape
Plastic Table Cover
Paper Towels
Measuring spoons
Rubber gloves
Time: 1 hour
Difficulty: Intermediate
Prewash tote bags in warm, soapy water and dry. This helps to remove any finishes that may interfere with dye absorption.
Cut tote bag body and handles in half using scissors
To make the bag, flip half of the bag inside out and apply fabric fusion tape along the long inner edge of the bag and adhere. Turn handles over and apply fabric fusion tape along the outer edge of the top of the bag and adhere.
To prevent the dye from bleeding through to the back, place a piece of cardboard in the wine bottle bag.
Wearing rubber gloves, mix four tablespoons of Rit All-Purpose Liquid Dyewith one cup of very hot water. Pour solution in a small squeeze bottle. Repeat with complementary colors.
Fill a baking tray with shaving cream.
Smooth with your hands or a spatula.
Drip dye colors all over.
Swirl the drops with a toothpick
Place upcycled wine bottle bag gently on the pan.
Apply light pressure to smooth
Let the bag sit on the pan for one to two minutes.
Slowly lift the fabric from the pan.
Scrape off excess foam.
Use Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative after dyeing and before washing to enhance the color, increase color retention and prevent dye from bleeding into white areas. Follow instructions on package.
Wash in warm water with a mild detergent, rinse and dry.