Colorblock Jeans

- White Cotton Denim
- All-Purpose Liquid Dyes in Rose Quartz and Hyacinth
- Plastic Container for dyeing
- Wide Paintbrush
- Salt
- Dishsoap
- Measuring Cup
- Plastic Gloves
Time: Total: 1 hour
Difficulty: Beginner
Instructions: Beginner
- Prewash your jeans and leave damp.
- Fill plastic container or stainless steel sink with enough hot water (ideally 140F) for your 501s to move freely, roughly three gallons.
- To help enhance the color, add one cup of salt.
- Add one tsp of dish detergent to help promote level dyeing.
- Wearing rubber gloves, shake Rit bottle really well. Pour half a bottle (1/2 cup) of dye into dyebath and mix well.
- Carefully dip one leg into dyebath until you meet the center seam by the zipper. To be extra careful, place the other leg in a plastic bag to keep any dye from getting on the other leg.
Leave the other leg undyed or repeat Step 2-5 to make another dyebath to create a two-tone color block as shown.
For a clean line between colors, use a wide paintbrush with the remaining dyebath to paint along the center seam.