DIY dip-dyed flannel shirt

Do you have an old and boring flannel shirt lying around? Do you want to create an exciting clothing piece to jazz up your wardrobe? Are you a DIY fan? Well, we have the perfect tutorial for you! Check out our simple and easy dip dye tutorial. It will teach you how to turn any plain wardrobe staple into an exciting one-of-a-kind piece.
- Cotton Flannel Shirt (or any other item of clothing of choice)
- Rit Back to Black Kit
- Plastic basin or Container for Dyeing
- Large metal spoon
- Salt
- Rubber gloves
- Kitchen roll
- Plastic table cover
- Dish soap
- Measuring cups
- About 30 minutes
- Beginner
- Wash the shirt first, as some finishes can prevent colour from penetrating the fabric. Do not dry the shirt.
- Protect your workspace from accidental spills by covering the table with a plastic table cover and keeping a roll of kitchen roll nearby in case of spillage.
- After putting your gloves on, combine 1/2 cup of Jet Black All-Purpose Dye with 1.2 litres of very hot water in a container and stir until a uniform colour is achieved. Add a half cup of salt and a teaspoon of dish soap to the dye bath then mix again.
- For around 5 minutes, submerge the flannel's lower half in Jet Black dye. Hold the garment perfectly motionless and let the dye seep up the fabric for a natural effect. Avoid getting any colour on the teas you wish to keep intact.
- After applying the dye, perform the following to lock the colour in: Apply Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative with a spray bottle to enhance the colours and lessen bleeding. Apply liberally to both sides of the jacket with a well-mixed combination of 2 tablespoons of water and ColorStay Dye Fixative.
- Seal the edges of the sweatshirt with plastic wrap after applying ColorStay Dye Fixative. Place the wrapped shirt on paper towels in the microwave and heat for one to two minutes. As the plastic expands, a heat chamber is created that helps the colour adhere to the fabric.
- Rinse in cold water until the water runs clear. Make sure to rinse in a way that will avoid the unabsorbed colour from seeping into any un-dyed areas, this is crucial.
- Wash with a gentle detergent on a cold cycle, rinse, and dry.
- You are all done!